Outreach in Cartago, Colombia.

Psalm 96:3 encourages us to "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples."

Let your faith POP!

Have you ever wondered why popcorn pops when you put it in the microwave? It's like a mini miracle happening right in your kitchen! Let me explain.

Think of each popcorn kernel as a tiny plant seed with a special surprise inside. This surprise is a small drop of water locked inside a tough shell. When you put the kernels in the microwave, the water inside heats up and turns into steam.

Steam is like a super excited gas that wants to escape and spread out. But it's trapped inside the kernel, and as more steam builds up, it puts pressure on the shell. Eventually, the pressure becomes so strong that it causes the shell to burst open with a pop!

When the shell bursts, it turns inside out and releases the fluffy, white popcorn you love watching. It's like a magic trick happening in your microwave! Each kernel pops in its own time, making it fun to watch as they burst open and turn into delicious popcorn.

Now, just like how popcorn transforms from a hard kernel into a fluffy snack, the love of Jesus can transform our lives. The apostle Paul said in Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." This transformation is like the drop of water inside the popcorn kernel. God's word goes inside of us and begins a transformation that others can watch and rejoice in His glory.

As we live out our faith, our lives become a testament to the power of God's love. Through our efforts, God touches lives, transforms hearts, and restores hope. Psalm 96:3 encourages us to "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." This means that we are not just to stay transformed but also to bring physical aid and spiritual nourishment, feeding souls with the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

So, as we reflect on the beautiful work Jesus does in us, let us be inspired to declare God's glory among the nations. Remember that every act of kindness, every word of encouragement, and every prayer uttered in faith can change lives and bring hope to the hopeless. Let us watch in amazement as the Lord transforms lives like magic, just like popcorn popping in the microwave.

Together with an organization called Rescue, Mission Life orchestrated a gathering in the heart of Cartago, Colombia—a gathering of hearts, young and old, united in worship and joy. 27 missionaries came to support reaching the communities where the new center will be operating. The home of about 400 families in four neighborhoods that comprise the area where the Child Center and Church will operate.  

Street evangelism was a key component, with team members sharing the message of faith and love with those they encountered. Additionally, volunteers went door-to-door, inviting families to attend the event and offering prayers for those in need. These efforts aimed to uplift spirits and provide a sense of community and connection in Cartago.

Furthermore, Mission Life collaborated with The Fundacion Pais Humano to organize a soccer school that supported and participated in the event. This partnership not only brought the joy of sports to the community but also fostered a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie among participants. The soccer school provided an opportunity for young people to engage in healthy activities while also being a part of a larger community effort to bring positive change to Cartago.

About 300 people joined us for games, worship, and theater; children laughed and played, adults sang passionately, and all came together to praise the name of Jesus. It's a picture of unity, community, and God's love shining brightly in the midst of it all.

This work is a testament to the power of faith in action. It is knowing that through our work, God's light shines brightly in the lives of those who don't know Jesus in Cartago, Colombia, and beyond.