Discipleship Training
This WORKBOOK will prepare your heart and mind to serve, discover your talents, spiritual gifts, and discern God’s mission for your life.
This training will deepen your understanding of Jesus Christ's life in relation to the mission field and equip you to better prepare for the work ahead. You will also have the chance to reflect inwardly and connect with God in new ways. Using this workbook, along with the experiences and stories of your team leaders, our partners in each country, and various tools and resources, we will guide you in exploring God's will for your life.
Twelve Sessions
As a group, you will collaborate closely, engage in lessons, complete assignments, and create effective strategies to achieve your mission.
The first SIX themes—Discipline, Identity in Christ, Service, Commitment, Imitation and Perseverance—will be covered in the six meetings leading up to the mission trip. Each meeting will include Bible verses, devotional, discussion questions, real-life examples and assignments to maximize your experience. Furthermore, your team will use these themes for the subject matter each day in related activities with the communities you will be working with.
While In the Mission Field:
You and your team will focus on the next FIVE words—Lifestyle, Earnestness, Self-Awareness, Holiness, and Intimacy—seeking to experience what the life of Christ would look like in the mission field.
The final letter of this acronym, P, is for Purpose!
It will be covered at the follow-up meeting after you have returned home. In this meeting you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your experience, the reintegration process and how the trip affected you—in particular how it helped you discover God’s purpose for your life and where you’re going from here. This will be a time of celebration of all God did and will continue to do.
What is Discipleship?
Discipleship is a lifetime journey in which we live each day as followers of Jesus within a community of other followers—the local church.
Discipleship is the daily process of being transformed into the image of Christ and helping others do the same. It is the great task of calling a lost and dying world to become disciples of Christ and then establishing those new believers as mature, healthy disciples who make other disciples. Discipleship is for all, and discipleship never ends!