Mission Life April 2019 Video Update

We at Mission Life thank you for your support. Because of your help, 2019 has proven to be an exciting year already. We are well on our way to funding the Child Hope Center in Kigali, Rwanda. In March, we launched a new partnership in Guatemala with 51 children up for sponsorship - 9 of them are already sponsored! If you would like to sponsor another child, please visit our sponsorship page.

Thanks to Manchester Christian Church, Mission Life was featured at all of their campuses on March 24 where many contacts were made, volunteers recruited, and 12 children sponsored.

Mission Life received an update from our Colombian partner, the Formavida Foundation where we have 79 children on our website, of which 43 are now sponsored. God has blessed our efforts through people like you who have come alongside to fulfill this dream to connect children with people who care, One child at a time.

Here is news from Formavida:

  • Since January of this year, the Oasis Program at Formavida has served 115 children on a daily basis.

  • This month, devotionals from the Book of John are being presented daily and explained at the various age-appropriate levels.

  • Oasis children from the community joined the new Formavida-sponsored soccer program (ages 6-11) which met for practices, and learned spiritual principles, on Saturdays and Sundays in the month of March. The children played in a tournament with other sports clubs and put into practice what they had learned.

  • The adolescents that actively attend at the Foundation, participated in Formavida workshops that involved making hand crafts, learning artistic wood burning, rock painting, and drawing.

  • Some of the teenagers participated in a project to learn how to bake and make pastries. The intention of teaching this skill is for the promotion of new employment opportunities and to sell the products they make.

We hope you will enjoy this video update from Formavida. Don’t forget to log in to your profile at by clicking here and send a message to your sponsored child. Any video updates from your child will be in your profile as well. All of us at Mission Life continue to rejoice in God’s sure and timely provision for what He has called us to do.

God bless you,

Angel Galvis

Founder & CEO

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