All Aboard! - Devotional

“Train up a child in the way they should go: and when they are old, they will not depart from it.” -Proverbs 22:6

Written by: Krista Collins

All aboard!   

This passage is so familiar to many. I love the broadness of it. It simply says “Train up a child.” It is not even a request actually, more of a command. It is not specific to parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. I believe it is a call for every child of God to come alongside the next generation and be part of their story.  

Touching the life of a child is a beautiful place to begin such a journey. It can be a child in your family, neighborhood or even another country. Every life matters. Every heart needs encouragement. Perhaps, we are written into the life of another to give and receive a greater blessing.

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  -Psalm 139:16

Your life written into the life of one in need. Isn’t that the gospel? The exact reason Jesus came to die on the cross and bring us to salvation through faith in Him. Jesus saw our story and offered us a better ending. Jesus reached into our place of hard and suffering and gave us hope. He took us off the track that was derailing us and put us on the track to eternal life.  

What a powerful living example we get to be part of when we live as Jesus lived. We reach in and touch the heart of one in need. The love that changes everything. The love that reaches out in a clear and booming voice to one who feels overwhelmed and overlooked. You matter. God has a bright and beautiful future for you.  

One ripple in the pond can make waves of hope that change the world.