August Newsletter

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
— Matthew 9:37-38

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

A Dream Realized: The Opening of Our New Child Development Center

It has been a few months since my last update, and I am thrilled to share some incredible news that has been in the works for the past year. Many of you know that I have been deeply involved in establishing a child development center in Cartago, my hometown in Colombia. Today, I am delighted to announce that we have finally started the child development center!

This journey has been one of faith, perseverance, and immense gratitude. With the people and resources God has provided, we have been able to advance our mission and create a safe, nurturing environment for the children in my hometown. Our new center will be a place where children can learn, grow, and thrive, breaking the cycle of poverty and building a brighter future.

Through your prayers and support, we have been able to transform this vision into reality. The new program will support fifty children who are now available for sponsorship. These children come from challenging backgrounds and need the love, encouragement, and opportunities that this center will provide.

The impact of sponsorship goes beyond financial assistance. It offers hope and shows these children that someone cares deeply about their future. Your support can help them dream big, pursue their education, and develop a strong foundation in their faith.

As we prepare to welcome these children into our new center, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to each of you. Your unwavering support has made this possible, and I am excited to see the incredible transformations that will take place in their lives.

At Mission Life, we are continually reminded of the urgency and importance of our mission through the words of Matthew 9:37-38. Just as the harvest is abundant but the workers are few, the needs around us are vast, and the opportunities to make a difference are immense. Our work is to gather more hands and hearts to join us in the fields where countless lives await the hope and love of Jesus Christ.

Our commitment to development, breaking the cycle of poverty, and supporting children from broken homes is our way of answering this call. We strive to be the workers in the harvest field, nurturing and empowering the next generation to rise above their circumstances. 

We have witnessed remarkable transformations in children through their education journeys. The hope they gain from knowing that someone far away cares enough to support and encourage them makes it easier for them to break the cycle of academic poverty and dream bigger. The role of a sponsor extends far beyond financial support; it instills hope in these kids.

In Rwanda, for example, many children nearing the end of their time in our program, whether due to aging out or moving on to higher education, have expressed a strong desire and confidence to pursue further studies. Some are even considering paths in ministry. However, not all have the financial means to follow these dreams. Their mindsets have shifted from mere survival to aspirations for a better future, demonstrating a significant change from poverty-driven expectations.

We now seek sponsors to provide the necessary financial support. If you feel called to sponsor a child or know someone who might be interested, please contact us. Together, we can continue to advance this mission and make a lasting difference in the lives of these precious children.

NewsletterAngel Galvis