April Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

Have you ever gone back to a place where you were many years ago and wondered what God's plan was for your visit or time there?

I recently experienced this going back to the Amazon. The last time I was there, I was just a baby. My parents moved to Leticia, Amazonas for a couple of years, searching for an easy way to get ahead economically in life. As it turns out, sometimes the easy way is not the best way or what God intended for us. Now, 38 years later I found myself back in that same place. Only this time, I was here to change the story there and to receive God’s plan for this region.

Is it a coincidence? I don’t think so. 

It is similar to the story of Joseph, Jacob’s son in Genesis. He realized that even though what his brothers did when they sold him to slavery was evil, God meant it for good and to save lives. Joseph may not have been too happy or understood the reason why his brothers did that, or even why he was sent to jail, but what he did know was that it was all part of God’s plan. 

There are times when we don’t understand the “What For” of things but, we can be certain that when we say yes to do God’s will, the reason for the place, people, difficulties, wins, etc, will make sense sooner or later. And He will always be with us. 

During this trip, I received God’s “What For” for the Amazon. Now it is time to get to work.

Grand Opening of the Mission Life Cafecito Cafe! 

We’re serving up our quality Colombian coffee at our new cafe at One Church in Manchester! Learn more about our grand opening, how Cafecito gives back and what our hopes are for this new space.

What Does it Mean to Serve? 

Students at Concord Christian Academy just wrapped up Service Week. Hear their perspectives on serving and their thoughts about participating in our Service Learning Project Pilot.

New Board Members Bring Unique Experience to Mission Life

Our Board of Directors is expanding! Learn more about our two new members and how their experience will help Mission Life grow even more.

Returning Home to Colombia with a New Purpose

Bibiana Medina just returned from our mission trip to Colombia. Read more about her trip back home and how God spoke to her in new ways.

After two years, Mission Life is Heading back to Rwanda!

Another Mission Life team is packing up for Rwanda! Read more about what they will be doing.

New Venue for Golf Tournament Announced!

And the venue for our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament is inked! Read the official details and learn how to get your team registered.