Who Are We Calling - Devotional

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” - Jeremiah 33:3

Written by: Krista Collins


Whoa! What a promise.  

Simply put, there is no one more famous in the world. No one is more powerful. No one is more important. No one else knows the end from the beginning, but the Lord our God. No one else knows all our faults and failures. No one else knows our struggle and our strength. No one but the Lord our God.  

Almighty God, He who hung the stars and named them. He who created the sea and filled it. He who spoke the world into existence. He is calling us with a promise to answer us.   

So when trouble comes, who will you be found calling out to? The invitation is given to call out to the Lord. He can’t give you answers to questions you won’t ask. He can’t tell you “great and unsearchable things you do not know” if you won’t make the request. 

“You do not have because you do not ask God.” - James 4:2c  

So what is stopping us from asking? Is it fear we won’t hear God? Fear we won’t like His answer?  Fear He is mad at us? Shut that fear down, and speak out in faith. “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.”  - 2 Tim 1:7

So whatever you may be facing today, call to the Lord. Call knowing that He will answer. Call knowing when we ask we will receive. Call knowing His ways are perfect and He will work all things out for our good. Call knowing you are loved with an everlasting unending love.  

And love never fails!