Faith Focused - Devotional

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“A woman had been bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind Him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.” “Who touched me? “Jesus asked.  - Luke 8:43-45

Written by: Krista Collins

This woman’s faith focused so deep the law could not stop her. She was seen as unclean. The law demanded she not be touched. She was “not allowed to touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until the days of purification are over.” (Leviticus 12:4) 

However, this sweet sister knew Jesus. She knew Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals. She had been to doctors and took man's advice for 12 years. She got no answers. So, regardless of the law she made her way to Jesus.  

Weak and weary, she crawled. Stepped on and stepped over, she crawled. Broken and bleeding, she crawled. Eyes fixed, she crawled. Hopeless and hope filled, she crawled. Scared and strengthened, she crawled. This was a woman of focused faith.  

Jesus was on his way to something bigger. He was going to heal the daughter of a synagogue leader.

As He made his journey, Jesus who is tender and caring realized more healing was needed. He said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone from me.” (Luke 8:46)  The woman fell at his feet trembling and acknowledged it was she who touched him. She said doctors haven’t been able to heal her but she knew He could. What must she have felt when she realized she was healed?  

Did the crowd stop to listen? Did they know she was the same woman who for 12 years was unclean? Did they wonder if she would be punished for breaking the law? Did they question in their hearts how Jesus would respond?  

Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”  (Luke 8:48)

He calls her daughter. That is who she is. He announced her healing. That is who He is.  Jehovah Rapha bestows peace.  That is what He does.  

Praise Be!