Look Up - Devotional

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided” (Exodus 14:21).

Written by: Krista Collins

You just have to love this. Really, our God is just so cool! He made the sea and the wind. He made the water and the land. So yes, of course He had authority over it. He made man and animals. Everything must obey His commands or face the consequences.

I have read this scripture so many times and I always think, “It never would have occurred to me to split the sea.” I probably would have suggested building a boat. I would see the sea as intimidating. He sees the sea as something He created and has authority over.

I wonder what Moses was thinking? What was running through the minds of the Israelites as their enemy chased them down to the water’s edge? What thoughts ran through their minds as they saw the water turn to walls and the ocean floor become dry ground? Did they look at the sea life held back by the hand of God and wonder, or did they just walk? Through, because the way out is always through!

We will face our own “Red Sea” moments. We, too, will be brought to the water’s edge and see no way out. We will face an ocean of fear or trouble and think we are going to drown. The question remains, what will you see? What will you look to?

The key is to not look back or forward, but to look up! We are not moving in a backward direction, so don’t look back. And we don’t know what the next moment will bring -- so don’t look forward. Look up.

In Genesis 15:5, God speaks to Abraham about how Abraham will have an heir. Abraham tried to reason with God as to how that would not be possible given his age and the age of his wife. God took him outside and told him, “Look up at the sky and count the stars -- if indeed you can count them.” Then He said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

Change your position and change your focus. Don’t keep looking at what you can see. Look up. Look to the Lord. He can do the impossible, and He moves in ways we could never imagine. Remember, He made all things and He has authority over all things. So when you face your Red Sea moments of life. Look up. Look to the one who created the sea and walk through. The way out is always through.

Through what seems impossible, because with God, all things are possible.

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