Moments - Devotional


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Written by: Krista Collins

Even into the difficult moments of life, we must be willing to enter. We must be strong and confident, and enter the hard moments with Jesus. Don’t walk alone -- bring Jesus into all the moments of life. He is Emmanuel, He is “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). His promise is that He is with us. But are we with Him?

Enter, child of God, fully aware that He is near and working it all out for our good. Enter knowing that you could turn and run, but that there is too much beauty to be found by the one brave enough to enter. Dig deep and pull the nutrients found in the deepest marrow. Press in exhausted and frustrated perhaps but trusting in the faithfulness of God.

The ground beneath your feet may feel like it will crumble and fear wants to swallow you whole, but trust God and enter. Look beyond the moment. Look with eyes of faith and keep looking on the one that we cannot see. You are not alone -- Jesus will enter these moments with you.

You are stepping into your miracle. Just breathe deep -- inhale long, exhale slow. He is near -- present in this moment, too. When circumstances are scary, doubt screams loud and chaos abounds. Be still. It is in that still place where we find God. Acknowledge that God is good and kind. And that, yes,  life can be hard and unfair. But you are always held, always seen and always loved. You matter to the heartbeat of God.

This is only a moment. A moment to be entered and to trust. And when we cry out in pain or fear He hears and holds us. We are safe. 

Trust. Rest. We have already won. We are only passing through this world on our way to our Father’s house.