October Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“Then he said to his disciples ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” - Matthew‬ ‭9:37-38‬ ‭NIV

Can you believe we are three quarters through the year? Wow, where did the year go! When I reflect on how much we can do in a year, a week, or a day, I can’t help thinking, “What have I done to help make the world a better place? How’s my life affecting the kingdom of God in a positive, furthering way?”

I recently read this on one of our partner’s social media posts. “We continue with the task of seeing a society that makes a difference.”

In our fast paced life, taking time to connect with the greater purpose of it, of life, is rare. We might take some quiet moments of reflection on a restful vacation but that doesn’t happen often enough. We are on the go, day to day, running, accomplishing, striving, working… but in reality, if you really think about it, we are just merely existing!

I belong to a church that prays for one. “God please give me one person to share your love with today.” When God gives us our “ONE”, we are encouraged to take action. I was somebody’s “ONE” and thanks to that person, I found a truth that changed my life eight years ago. Now, I am doing what I was created for. I’m living out my mission in life.

I’m not saying that it’s easy or that everything in your life will be without challenges, but regardless of what you go through every day, when you discover the reason you are here, everything starts to make sense, even the not too fun stuff. 

So, today I would like to invite you to ask for one, or if you are a person of faith, pray for ONE. One person you can make a difference for, and invite your family to be part of it. You’ll be surprised at the ripple effects that are created from these relationships.

A New Worldview

With the opening of a Child Hope Center in the village of Batima in Rwanda, a team member shares the ripple effect the trip had on her plus, through generous donations, the village of Nyamata now has a learning space for their children! Read more.

Cultures of the World

Our center in Bogota, Colombia spends a week highlighting a country a day to teach the children about other cultures. Learn more details and see the videos of the fun activities they participated in!

Mission Team Makes it Safety to Nicaragua!

In partnership with One Church, we have a team on the ground at REAP Granada in Nicaragua. Follow the team’s journey this week by reading their blogs.