October Newsletter
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”
Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO
As we end this month, let's reflect on the Apostle Paul's words in Romans 12:1, where he calls us to "offer [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God." This reminder encourages us to commit every part of ourselves to God’s purpose and to embrace the transformation that a life devoted to Him brings.
Building moral and spiritual character is a journey that takes time and dedication, requiring constant attention and patient discipline. Through these small daily sacrifices and choices, we shape a foundation for understanding right from wrong, forming the values that guide our actions, relationships, and service to others.
This month, we continued strengthening the work with our children at the centers, knowing that moral development is at the core of who we are called to be. Moral development is essential to human growth as it shapes an individual's understanding of right and wrong and the values and principles guiding ethical behavior. This part of development is particularly important in early adolescence, as this is a critical period for character formation and moral decision-making, especially in ambiguous or complex situations.
Adolescence intensifies vulnerability to external influences and ethical challenges, which can significantly shape the lifelong actions and behaviors of the person. Drawing on psychological and religious/spiritual frameworks, we have hypothesized that a relationship with God is vital for moral development at Mission Life. Research results highlight the role of morality in fostering positive developmental outcomes, particularly in contexts of poverty and adversity, where the absence of moral guidance may perpetuate negative cycles.
We have identified that the absence of spiritual guidance in children and adolescents predicts negative behaviors, moral disengagement, and how their actions can positively impact others or society. We believe teaching children to have a relationship with Jesus will anchor moral skills and the intrinsic motivations to act rightly, which would significantly contribute to the flourishing of youth.