Our Child Hope Centers are Growing!

Our children in Rwanda recently received new backpacks for school! As you can see in the picture above, they were very excited to receive them. Both of our Child Hope Centers are utilizing all of the space they have for the children. In Kimironko, they currently have 2 classrooms. They have land to build two more but until they can raise the funds, the children meet in the church. Meantime In Kimisangara, the program is expanding! Hear the good news from Bishop Theo in his video update.

In the meantime, we are planning to host a special Christmas celebration at each of our centers this December where every child will receive a gift. As you know, it takes resources to make it happen. You can help us! Simply go to www.missionlifechange.org, click on donate and send your special gift to our general fund so it can be used for the celebrations. Thank you so much for helping us create special memories for them!