November Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” - 2 Corinthians 9:11

Happy Thanksgiving!

There is so much to be thankful for, our families, health, jobs, a great meal with family and friends thanks to our jobs, and more. I personally am thankful for God’s provision or PRO VISION.

That is the quest we all ought to have in order to maximize the life that was given to us. Mine was literally called Vision Quest. It was the name of the school project through which God helped me realize the calling for my life (story for another day). 

That vision helped me understand the strong feelings and opinions I had for the injustice, violence, and corruption happening in the world. It was in my heart for a reason, not just to criticize but for me to take action and help by doing something about it. In my case it was a calling for me to take action to help others in need. A whole new life took motion in Mission Life.

Every 200 to 300 years, entire generations and societies change and evolve and we are right now going through a new era. What we do to steer the fate of our nation and the world and all of those children is upon us. It is crucial to determine whether or not we’ll leave them with a good future built for them. 

Many of us, if not all, have naturally good intentions. I mean come on we were made in the image of God who is good, but if we don’t do anything about it, if we don’t take action, what does that make us?

We are all called to help others in need, whether it is physical aid by providing resources, or spiritual aid through love and prayer and emotional support. 

If you’ve never had the opportunity to help someone less fortunate than you, or someone in need, you’re missing the opportunity to experience God’s love in motion.

The resources we have are given to us as tools, not only for our own benefit but to help others. 

A very famous guy, the apostle Paul said that we should strive for equality to help others.

“Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality.” - 2 Corinthians 8:13-14 NIV

Have you ever thought or imagined what it would be like for you not to know where your next meal would come from or to know that your kids won’t have a pair of shoes to go to school or something as trivial as having a present to open on Christmas?

I invite you to give from your heart to help Mission Life and together, we can change the landscape not only of our community but others and the world. With small steps or little effort you can do big things that will impact generations to come. 

A Community Comes Together on Giving Tuesday

Mission Life and especially our children are so blessed to have the incredible support of our community! Because of your incredible generosity and a variety of business partner and company matches, we raised $30,000 during Giving Tuesday! Shortly after 8am, our early morning supporters kicked us off with 16 thousand dollars! Throughout the afternoon, it climbed and by the end of our live virtual Facebook event we landed at $30,000. We cannot thank you enough for coming alongside us to change more lives this Giving Tuesday!

Become a sustaining member today so together, we can help even more children in the year to come.

One Big Happy Family in Colombia!

Our child development center in Bogota, Colombia is back to full operations just in time for the holiday season! The children are receiving academic support as a group and enjoying other enrichment activities again. Check out what the children are up to in this video update.

Our Child Hope Centers are Growing!

Our children in Rwanda recently received new backpacks for school! As you can see in the picture above, they were very excited to receive them. Both of our Child Hope Centers are utilizing all of the space they have for the children. In Kimironko, they currently have 2 classrooms. They have land to build two more but until they can raise the funds, the children meet in the church. Meantime In Kimisangara, the program is expanding! Hear the good news from Bishop Theo in his video update.

Are you still deciding how you’re going to make an impact in 2021?

12 Days of Sponsorship:

Start a new family holiday tradition by welcoming a sponsor child to your family! Follow us on social media in the days leading up to Christmas where we will introduce you to the children and show you how to send your first holiday video to them.

Business Partner Giving Trees:

Visit one of our business partner locations this December. Sponsor a child on their Giving Tree or become a Mission Life sustaining member to help us expand our programs.

Help us give every child a Christmas:

Help us throw a special Christmas celebration at each of our centers this December. Every child will receive a gift. Simply go to, click on donate and send your special gift to our general fund. Thank you so much for helping us create special memories for them!

Amazon Smile:

Don’t forget to make Mission Life your charity for your Amazon purchases. When you order on Amazon Smile, they’ll automatically donate a percentage of your purchases to Mission Life at no cost to you.

Make your donation dollars go the extra mile!

Ask your employer if they provide a company match for your donations before 2021 ends. Learn more about company match programs for charity.

Thank you so much for your generosity! We wouldn’t be able to do any of this without the support of our Mission Life family - Together we can give FOR ONE!

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