September Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“Take Delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.” -Psalm 37:4-5

The day I left my career in the financial industry three years ago, I didn’t know how things would play out. All I knew was that I was following God’s calling for my life.

When you desire to be used by God, every experience you go through in life, whether good or bad, are the experiences God will use to help others. Those are the ones that make your ministry. God takes into account our uniqueness and He wants us to focus on the talents He has given us to use. Using these talents is the secret of both fruitfulness and fulfillment in our Mission. 

We are most effective when we use our gifts in the area of our heart’s desire and it is only then when we understand why we love the things we love to do. 

I praise God for calling me to serve alongside my team at Mission Life officially as the first employee and I thank you for all of your support. Read More.

For Nidia Pencue, God Reveals His Plan a Little at a Time

At Mission Life, we help children realize God’s mission for their lives. This month we bring you the testimony of Nidia Pencue, one of several sisters who leads the ministry at our new child development center in Villavicencio, Colombia. Read along as God unveiled his plan for her when she was a teen and see how it changed the course of her life.

1st Annual Mission Life Charity Golf Tournament

Our first annual Mission Life Golf Tournament is in the books and it was a huge success! Read more about the event, the teams who enjoyed a little competition on the links, as well as our sponsors, who helped us raise huge dollars for our global mission to help children!

Global Mission Trips with Manchester Christian Church in 2022!

We’re gearing up to go global in 2022 and we want you to come with us! Mission Life is partnering with Manchester Christian Church to lead global mission trips in the year ahead and we held numerous info sessions at MCC outposts this month. Learn more about our trips and how you can come with us to share God’s love here. 

Preview: Service Learning Project Pilot Launch

This month, God is leading us to help our children here at home. We officially launched our Service Learning Project Pilot with Concord Christian Academy! The program is designed to help children find God’s mission for their lives. Angel announced the project with the high school students during a presentation this month. Stay tuned to learn more about how service and a connection to our kids in Colombia are empowering our students!