Video Updates

Child Center - Formavida - Santa Cecilia, Bogota

At the Child Center Formavida in Santa Cecilia, Bogota, we promote teamwork. This video shows older children leading younger teams, fostering leadership, camaraderie, and friendship.

The message throughout is about transformation. We strongly believe that everything we do in the name of Jesus and for His glory will never be in vain and will contribute to eternal life.

As part of our partnership with an esteemed environmental organization, we embarked on a monumental initiative to plant countless trees in order to advocate for environmental consciousness and make a meaningful impact on the local community. This project was a vital component of the program's mission at our child center to promote sustainable practices and support environmentally-friendly causes.

We thank God for His love and blessings, and for the daily opportunities in this place.


Child Center - Formavida - Barrancas, Bogota

Throughout this year, our Child Center in Barrancas, Bogota, has offered a variety of engaging activities and learning opportunities for the children. We have witnessed remarkable progress in each child as they have participated in different learning spaces. 

At our center, we adopt two distinct work methodologies. The first is Discovery Land, which promotes active learning through dynamic methods. In Discovery Land, children engage in activities focused on learning verses and Bible stories, and understanding the attributes of God, allowing them to apply these teachings in their daily lives. 

Every week, Discovery Land sets specific goals for the children to achieve. In June, when the children were on vacation from school, we organized a unique program called Maker Camp. This camp aimed to provide a more hands-on and active learning experience, allowing children to experiment and gain concrete knowledge. 

The central theme for this year's Maker Camp was dinosaurs. Children had the opportunity to make their own desserts, conduct chemical and physical experiments related to dinosaurs, and engage in various sports activities centered around the theme. These experiences fostered their creativity and helped them better understand different subjects.


Child center - Semillas De vida - Villavicencio

This video reflects the work done by the program during the first semester of the current year at our Child Center Semillas De Vida, in Villavicencio, Colombia. 

The Child Center has dedicated to improving the lives of children in need, and this video showcases the various initiatives and programs implemented to achieve that goal. 

From providing educational support and mentorship to organizing recreational activities and promoting a nurturing environment, our program has significantly impacted the children's lives. 

The video captures heartwarming moments of learning, laughter, and growth, highlighting the dedication and compassion of the organization's staff and volunteers. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of investing in the well-being and future of these children, inspiring others to join the cause and make a difference in these communities.

Angel Galvis