Brothers in Unity - Devotional

“How good and how pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” - Psalm 133:1

Written by: Heidi Farris

Check out the exclamation mark at the end of the verse. It's not just important, it's exciting to King David!

I love this quote about Psalm 133:1, “Not everything that is good is pleasant, and not everything that is pleasant is good. Unity among God's people is such a remarkable blessing because it is both good and pleasant- and both to a high degree, indicated by the repetition of how.” - David Guzik

On Monday, we talked about a family I know who has always gotten along so well. Now, the kids are not kids. They have their own families and guess what- now, that family is even bigger and better and happier than ever! How did this family stand the test of time and grow bigger? On Monday, I asked if these people are robots- I questioned if they have the same personalities, philosophies and needs. The answer is emphatically, “NO.”

This particular family, being human, are all individually very different. What makes this family “good and pleasant” is that their MAIN need, hope and goal is the same. The top priority of each individual in that family is love.

On a bigger scale, let's talk about unity in our individual churches. MORE people with MORE personalities, philosophies, needs and goals! In one single church, there can be people with ministries who have a heart for the homeless, some for children in other countries, some for addicts, some for widows, teens, women or men. What draws people to one church that may have wobbly chairs and rented space? Unity. Our world is CRAVING unity because true unity is achieved with love.  

How to achieve unity? It is simple, love has to be on top of all the other important heart-work. That love, demonstrated by the unity of the individuals in a church or christian organization is what our world is CRAVING. When that craving is met, we are met with more believers when we reach Heaven. That assignment from God is only second to glorifying Him. It's that important.  

Is unity easy? Look around you and you'll find the answer pretty quickly. It is a decision each one of us must make every minute of the day. Some “minutes” are easier than others, but it is always possible.  

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