Brothers In Unity -Devotional

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” -Psalm 133:1

Written by: Heidi Farris

We have all been to a home where the whole family gets along great.  They are sincerely happy to be together.  I have a particular family in mind from years ago. FIVE KIDS! When I used to visit them, I didn't want to leave. My orderly brain was fine with their messy piles. My introverted heart was fine in the midst of what felt like 50 people, and even if I got a hard chair that wobbled, I felt peace and comfort.  

Is this a family of robots? Do they all have the same personalities, philosophies, and needs?  Well, they're human, so... no. What they DO have is a simple unifying goal that's bigger than any differences they have. It's like a pyramid, with love on top.

Paul wrote in Colossians 3:14, “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”

God needs his family to live together in unity.  We have to figure this out, my friends, because we want the world to be drawn to us and experience that feeling of peace and harmony. We need them to crave it enough to want to find out how to get it and keep it forever.  Let's take a deeper dive on Wednesday to understand how and why we need to make unity with other believers a priority.