Don't Worry - Devotional

“Do not worry,” Jesus said to his disciples.  - Luke 12:22

Written by: Krista Collins

A disciple is a personal follower of Jesus. It is as simple as that. Jesus never made things complicated. There aren’t any educational requirements or a 10 step program. You just need to trust in who Jesus is as the son of God, born from a virgin, who lived as a man, died on a cross and rose again three days later for the salvation of all the world.  

Faith in who Jesus is and what He did makes you and me disciples. Jesus tells us, “Do not worry.” Why? Because Jesus also said “It Is Finished,” when He willingly went to the cross.  Jesus did it all.  In other words, it is all done. I know, a profoundly deep statement.  

So yes, we will have challenges along the way. There will be people who love us and people who don’t. There will be seasons of joy and seasons of sorrow. There will be ones who promise to never leave our side and walk away when the going gets tough. There will be people that bless you to your face and curse you to your back.    

“Do not worry,” you are in very good company. They did the same thing to Jesus. In fact, Jesus tells us how to respond to such events. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”  (Matthew 5:11-12)

And so we are not only told to not worry, we are also told what we should do with, “Rejoice and be glad.” This is only possible when we keep our eyes on Jesus and not our situation or circumstances and that is exactly what a disciple does.  

Let’s follow Jesus. Let go of worry and hold on to faith. Let’s not look at our circumstances but keep our eyes fixed on our promise and our truth. “Great is our reward in heaven.” Do not worry, child of God.  We are simply passing through.