A Musical Pioneer Visits the Child Hope Centers

Our children at the Child Hope Center in Rwanda were recently treated to a beautiful performance in their classroom! Check out this unique Rwandan musical instrument called the Umuduri. Ruth Nyirampfumukoye is known as a musical pioneer when it comes to playing the Umuduri.

You might be wondering what the instrument is made of. It is a string instrument supported by a flexible wooden bow. A gourd is attached to act as a resonator.

The children really enjoyed Ruth’s melodic performance along with her singing. A little later, one of the boys got to play the instrument outdoors and the children joined in by dancing.

Children are able to attend our Child Hope Centers because of generous sponsors. They receive critical resources and they also get to experience activities like this. It gives them an appreciation for the arts as well as an opportunity to look up to role models to discover their own talents.

Ruth taught her two sons, Patrick and Claude how to play the Umuduri when they were young. Now they’re taking their talent across Kigali, performing as a group, along with their friend Chance. Read more about this family in this New Times article from Rwanda.