July Newsletter

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” -James 1:27 NLT

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

When we think about the word, religion, a variety of things may come to mind like going to church, participating in rituals or being obligated as a kid to sit in a pew and listen to a person talk with no understanding of what they’re saying or why. But in the bible verse above from James, “religion” refers to taking action to express your faith or demonstrate love that is inwardly true, namely of who God is and what God does.

I recently attended a ribbon cutting for the expansion of a local business. One of the owners, the husband who is an immigrant from Colombia, shared some words of gratitude to those who attended the event. But for me, there was one moment in particular that really stood out. He expressed how grateful he was for this country. He had us all turn to look at the American flag and he expressed just how much his life has changed for the better since he came to live in the United States. He shared how growing up in Colombia wasn’t the same and how blessed he was to have the opportunity to accomplish the things he and his wife have been able to do here in America.

For many of us, unless we experience what it is like to live in another country outside the U.S., we don’t realize how truly blessed we are to live in this amazing country. And with tears in my eyes, I could relate to those words deeply. 

I praise God everyday for blessing me with the opportunity to call the U.S. my home. Every July, as we celebrate our country's independence, I realize the opportunity we have by living here in the land of the free and the brave. This opportunity, I find, is to be a conduit of blessings to others who don’t have the same resources as many of us do here. 

I would like to invite you to be the conduit of hope for One child, by providing them with the love of a relationship with you through sponsorship. We still have many children who are waiting to be sponsored.

An American Connection Gives Our Children Hope

Hear what children at our centers desire the most. You’ll be surprised at how simple it is.

Praising God for a Miracle

After five years of praying, the long anticipated day finally arrives at Hermon Church. Read more about the community’s first day of worship in their new church.

Using Leadership Experience to Build Stronger Communities

Mission Life’s Board Vice Chairman, Mike Perkins talks to Bedford Living Magazine about working with our Founder to accomplish a shared goal. 

Stretching Resources to Continue Important Programming

Despite inflation and rising costs for food and supplies, our child center in Bogota, Colombia finds ways to stretch resources to hold its annual Bazaar. Read more.

Soccer Drills and Smiles at Formavida - Barrancas, Colombia

See the first update from one of our newest centers in Colombia and get to know the children who attend this center!