A New Spot for Community is Brewing at One Church

Written by: Kayla Livingstone

A community is beginning to form at the Mission Life Cafecito Cafe at One Church in Manchester. Since opening in April, we have welcomed over 10 new cafe volunteers! God has been so faithful in providing people ready and willing to be His hands and feet. 

Our dream and vision for the cafe is to provide a space for the church community to come and connect, change lives through coffee and also create a new opportunity to invite the public to experience the cafe. 

As we continue to grow, our ultimate goal is to offer weekday hours where our community can hang out. With your continued support and prayers we believe this will happen very soon! 

Our current hours are Sundays from 8:15am to 12:30 pm and all are welcome. Whether you are attending a service or just need a quick coffee fix, we would love to see you! We have some special events and new menu options that will be coming so stay tuned for those experiences!! 

Lastly, we are excited to say that our most recent menu item addition is the highly requested iced Cafecito! We cannot wait to see you come out and try it and we hope you will love it as much as we do!

Follow our Mission Life Cafecito pages on Facebook and Instagram and learn more about our vision of Cafecito here.