August Newsletter


Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” - 1 John 3:16

I love how John describes what it really means to love one another. When we love, we are willing to sacrifice the self for another person without expecting anything in return. Real, unconditional love is an action. It's not just a nice feeling that makes you warm and fuzzy inside. Love is hard at times and it takes energy and effort.

Don’t you find that to be a bit difficult sometimes, to still love when your heart is telling you otherwise? I do. Yes, I am still a work in progress. It is difficult to separate feelings and emotions from the decision of loving someone unconditionally regardless of who they are to you.

Here’s what I found: One of the most selfless gifts you can give someone is your time and your friendship.

One of the things children at our centers love the most is to see their sponsor’s videos. When you connect with your sponsored child through a video message, you have the opportunity to encourage them. When they see that a person who lives thousands of miles away cares about them, it gives them hope. You have no idea how excited they get when they know a video has arrived. And then a beautiful thing happens. As more and more videos are sent to each other, the conversations become even more meaningful. More details about our lives are shared and a meaningful friendship forms. Our relationship grows deeper. 

It has been our dream to revolutionize child sponsorship using this technology so children have the added support of a meaningful relationship to realize their mission in life. We have been able to provide them with tools, education, etc, thanks to the sponsorship funds you provide for us to do this work.

I don’t know if I told you but Mission Life is the first organization doing this, pioneering this mode of communication to develop intentional relationships between sponsors and children. In all my years of research, I have not found another organization trying to step outside the traditional model of a letter and a photo, and this is a huge opportunity they are missing.

I know this. Children ask me about videos from their sponsors every time I go visit our centers. 

We are starting to analyze our current process of communication. The video process we have in place is long and cumbersome. As you can imagine, as a young organization, the resources to accomplish this endeavor are few and I would like to ask you to help me.

How can we best do this?

As we prepare to bring the communication process between sponsors and children to scale, I would like to ask for your feedback on how your experience has been so far and for suggestions on how to make it better. With my team, we’ll be reaching out to connect with you soon.

Just like with our children, we value the relationship we have with you, the people who believe in this vision. 


Coffee With A Deeper Purpose

One couple’s obedience to make an impact on their community. Read along as Ryan and Jamie Getchell talk about God’s influence on trading in the 9-5 to create something more meaningful.


More Than One Purpose?

We grow up searching for our life purpose but what if God uses our gifts for several purposes throughout our lives? Does this change how we encourage children to dream about who they want to become? Read more in this reflection.