More Than One Purpose to Bless Others?


Written by: Kayla Livingstone

What if we are not brought into this world for one specific purpose? What if God’s design and gift for some of His children is to have many different gifts and qualities so He can call them to several different jobs in order to bless others? I believe that many people are so focused on searching for their one purpose their entire life that they end up missing the truth. Maybe their purpose is not to have one specific gift or do one specific thing. 

The Bible says, “I live to bring glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through consistent worship by my praise and in my life.” In the book, “The Purpose Driven Life”, author Rick Warren talks about how we were planned for God’s pleasure and that we bring enjoyment to Him by just simply living. We also bring pleasure to God through worship. Worship can be through music but also in whatever way we glorify God such as praying, talking to others, loving others, talking to God without ceasing, and just falling in love with who He is.

Our main purpose and goal in life is to love Jesus, praise Him, and do everything to bring glory to Him. Every talent He gives us, every opportunity to talk about Him, to serve Him, and to live out our purpose is a gift from the Lord. It does not matter what your job is, it only matters WHO you are working for. When we stop focusing on the job itself and focus our eyes on Jesus, a whole new world is opened. Suddenly, it is easier to serve the irritated customer because we aren’t serving them. We are serving them for Jesus. It got me thinking. What if we thought about Jesus and sought to serve Him as often as we do for our significant others? How would that change our relationship with God? 

I know personally it can be easy to judge those who seem to bounce around from job to job, but how do I know if God is calling them to do that? How do I not know that maybe that is their purpose? Whether it’s for their lifetime or just a season, who am I to know or judge their relationship with God?

It makes me think about how we often ask children, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many times they want to be more than one thing, and yet we still want them to pick “the one they want the most.” What if instead of encouraging kids to pursue one job or one purpose, we encouraged them to do everything as if they were doing it for Jesus? And instead of limiting them to one idea or putting them in a box, we started to help them explore as many options as they wanted while guiding them to listen to God’s voice for direction. 

The goal of Mission Life is to help kids find their Mission in Life. Whether it is one specific thing or 100, we want to encourage, “in everything they do, do it for the glory of God,” because that is our ultimate purpose. At our centers, we provide the resources to help them realize God’s mission. We guide them to seek a relationship with God and teach them that they can serve Him through whatever they decide to do in life such as waitressing, firefighting, teaching, or owning a business. They can serve God’s mission for their life, because it is not what they are doing that matters, but who they are working for. 

He’s already given us everything we need and more than we deserve through His Son. It is our privilege to bring glory to Him every day and walk in the steps He is guiding us to take. 

So instead of putting so much worry on our future, on “our one purpose in life”, what if we put all of that focus on doing everything for His glory and by serving Jesus in every job we do.

I’ll leave you with this: What if God wants to use you and your talents or your resources to bless and help guide our children from one of our centers to find their God given talents and ultimately live out their purpose?

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