Posts in Sponsorship
The Ripple Effects of Human Connection

To stay connected is a need not only in this community but especially in remote villages we had a chance to visit. The outreach is growing and I am so encouraged and uplifted serving with our local and Rwandan teams. Every day we are in the field, I can see how this experience has brought out a servant's heart and beautiful qualities in each of us.

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Making an Impact: The Challenges of Pioneering New Technology

Mission Life is fulfilling a wish children across the world asked for. Children want to know their sponsors better. Occasional photos and letters are nice but our Founder and CEO, Angel Galvis discovered a trend during his research that a true connection was missing. Mission Life is the first child sponsorship organization to pioneer video communication between families and children but being the first, the technology to automate this process doesn’t currently exist!

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More Than One Purpose to Bless Others?

What if we are not brought into this world for one specific purpose? What if God’s design and gift for some of His children is to have many different gifts and qualities so He can call them to several different jobs in order to bless others? I believe that many people are so focused on searching for their one purpose their entire life that they end up missing the truth– maybe their purpose is not to have one specific gift or do one specific thing.

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