Children's Day Celebration

The month of May brought with it a joyous celebration of Children's Day. It was a time when our child centers came together to honor the little ones who were the heart and soul of society, recognizing their immense worth and the privilege of being part of their growth.  

At the Child Center "Semillas de Vida" in Villavicencio, Colombia, special activities were organized to create a magical atmosphere to engage the children's minds and ignite their creativity. One of the activities The children embarked on was called "BEAUTIFICATION JOURNEY' I take care of my body and thank God for it." to teach our children the importance of taking care of our body and the value of it as a temple of the holy spirit.

To kickstart this meaningful journey, the "Semillas de Vida" children participated in a captivating activity highlighting the importance of personal hygiene and self-care. The children gathered in a beautifully decorated room, where they learned the significance of keeping their bodies clean and healthy.

The children listened attentively with wide eyes and eager smiles as our dedicated staff members shared valuable insights and tips. They discussed the significance of regular hand washing, brushing their teeth, and maintaining cleanliness in their surroundings. The children were encouraged to actively participate in these daily rituals, understanding that by doing so, they were showing gratitude for the amazing bodies they were blessed with.

The highlight of the activity was a hands-on demonstration t the care of their hair. Our staff members engaged the children in a joyful and interactive session, teaching them the proper techniques to organize their hair. Laughter and giggles filled the room as the children gathered their tiny hands, mimicking the steps taught them.

This activity served as a foundation for instilling lifelong habits of self-care and gratitude among our little ones. We believe that by nurturing their bodies and acknowledging the divine gift within them, the children of our centers will grow up to be physically healthy, grateful, and mindful individuals.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, dear parents and guardians, for entrusting us with the care and education of your precious children. Together, let us continue to nurture and celebrate the beautiful spirits within them, ensuring a brighter and happier future.

In our Formavida center in Bogota, an extraordinary artistic endeavor unfolded within the captivating framework of the "USAKA" circus circuit project. This initiative aims to illuminate, empower, and promote cultural spaces in the vibrant community where our center operates, explicitly focusing on the immensely talented circus artists residing here.

This activity served as a foundation for instilling lifelong habits of self-care and gratitude among our little ones. We believe that by nurturing their bodies and acknowledging the divine gift within them, the children of our centers will grow up to be physically healthy, grateful, and mindful individuals.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, dear parents and guardians, for entrusting us with the care and education of your precious children. Together, let us continue to nurture and celebrate the beautiful spirits within them, ensuring a brighter and happier future.

Formavida Child Center, Bogota.

An extraordinary artistic endeavor unfolded within the captivating framework of the "USAKA" circus circuit project. This initiative aims to illuminate, empower, and promote cultural spaces in the vibrant community where our center operates, explicitly focusing on the immensely talented circus artists residing here.

In this special edition, the renowned group "Babilóncircus" graced the Children at the center with their mesmerizing medium-format performance titled "Painting with Light." The stage for this enchanting spectacle was set at the Child center Formavida, where families and enthusiasts gathered in anticipation of a truly unforgettable experience.

"Painting with Light" delved into the realms of imagination and skillfully depicted a narrative woven around two captivating characters. Each character possessed a distinct light source, and both fervently sought to assert dominance over the other. However, beneath their apparent rivalry, their true aim was to attain mastery over the myriad aspects of light. Amid their struggle, a wise teacher appeared, revealing a profound truth— they could not achieve their goals alone but needed to learn the art of collaboration.

The storyline of this magnificent performance revolved around promoting teamwork and the exploration of individual light within each person. Through awe-inspiring acrobatic displays and breathtaking light choreography, the audience was transported into a world where the pursuit of harmony and self-discovery took center stage. The message resonated deeply, reminding us all that true brilliance is found in our individual radiance and ability to unite and support one another.

The synergy between the performers and the evocative atmosphere created by the Formavida Child Center enhanced the magic of "Painting with Light." As the audience watched in awe, they were encouraged to reflect upon their unique light and its potential impact on the world. It was an invitation to celebrate our individuality while embracing the power of collective brilliance.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to the USAKA circus circuit project, the Formavida Foundation, and the extraordinary talents of “Babilóncircus” for gracing our community with such a mesmerizing display of artistry and profound meaning. Their efforts have enlightened their minds and inspired us to foster collaboration, discover our own light, and collectively weave a vibrant tapestry of creativity and unity.

Let us continue to support and celebrate the cultural spaces and artists that enrich the fabric of our children and centers. Together, we shall illuminate the path toward a harmonious and radiant future.