Many of us are fortunate to have a mother and share our joys, sorrows, triumphs, and losses with her. Those of us who have that joy can and want to highlight their work on a day that is just for them. That is why we celebrate Mother's Day at our child centers by exalting their admirable and arduous day-to-day work. "Being mothers is an art" was how our children expressed it through the songs and choreographies presented.

As a united team, we wanted to create a space that fostered integration and recognition for the mothers participating in the Seeds of Life program. We aimed to highlight the unique value and significance of each mother's journey through carefully crafted words and surprises prepared by their children.

The atmosphere was exciting as the children took center stage, pouring their hearts out in a medley of melodies and graceful movements. Each performance was a testament to these young souls' love and admiration for their mothers. The songs resonated with pure emotion, echoing these women's profound impact on their children's lives.

The children's heartfelt words and surprises brought joy and gratitude to the mothers' eyes. The children gave their moms handmade cards filled with words of love, appreciation, and memories. The room was decorated with bright colors, reflecting the warmth and vibrancy of the bond between mothers and their children.

It was a day of celebration, recognition, and unity, reminding us of the power of love and the beauty of motherhood. Each mother in attendance felt seen, appreciated, and celebrated for the extraordinary work they do every day.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the mothers around the world for their unwavering love, sacrifice, and dedication. We also express our heartfelt appreciation to the children who poured their hearts into creating an unforgettable experience for their beloved mothers. Their performances served as a testament to their deep bond—a bond nurtured with love, respect, and gratitude.

As we continue this journey, remember to cherish and honor the incredible women who have shaped us into who we are today. May their love and devotion be celebrated on Mother's Day and every day of the year.

Angel Galvis