Prayers for Child Hope Center as Rwanda takes Measures to Combat Rising Covid cases

Mission Life is sending and asking for prayers for our children and staff at the Child Hope Center in Rwanda. Due to a rapid rise in Covid cases, the government announced a lockdown in July to conduct a two day mass testing for Covid 19. This week, the Rwandan government lifted the lockdown but strict guidelines remain in place. Some travel is allowed between Kigali and other districts but schools and churches are closed, social gatherings are not allowed and there is a curfew in place from 6pm to 4am.

Rwanda maintains one of the strictest Covid19 safety protocols in the world.

Bishop Theophile Rugumire thanks God for His grace in keeping all of the center’s families safe from the virus thus far. The center continues to send food home to families and teachers and pastors are doing home visits and devotionals. Bishop Rugumire is hopeful that the children will be able to return to the child development center soon.