July Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life’s Founder and CEO

“But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

As a child growing up I dreamed of having the opportunity of becoming what I dreamed of. At 15 years of age, when my dad told me he did not have the resources to help me get an education, I felt devastated, especially in a country like Colombia where the opportunities are so much more limited for those without one.

Like me, many children around the world dream of having an opportunity to dream. Sounds confusing? Imagine growing up in a place where you can’t choose what you want to be.

Independence is the feeling you have when you are free to dream and that is what you receive when you find Jesus. That is what you and us at Mission Life do by inspiring the children at our development centers to dream and believe they can become what God created them to be. 

Our children and families at our newest centers in Colombia are getting their first glimpses of independence and the freedom to dream all because of you.


Genova Families Bond at Local Eco Parque

In Genova, an emotional but happy day just outside of town allowed families to put daily struggles on hold to celebrate the important things in life. 


Villavicencio Center Empowers Children by Celebrating their Mothers

In Villavicencio, a special tribute to honor our mothers who despite hard lives, love and provide for their families day in and day out.


Children's Day at Villavicencio Builds Confidence and Independence

Although the event was delayed because of the pandemic, the kids at Villavicencio celebrated Children’s Day recently. Read more about the purpose and the children’s reactions to this special day here.


Prayers for Child Hope Center as Covid Cases Rise

At the Child Hope Center in Rwanda, leaders resume home visits as the government issues strict guidelines after a rise in Covid cases.