Embracing Different Cultures at Our Center in Bogota

Did you ever have a Taste Around the World event at school when you were a kid? How awesome was it to see and try foods from different countries? 

In an effort to teach children about other cultures, the staff at our child center in Bogota, Colombia spent a week showcasing activities from other countries for the kids including Pakistan and Venezuela! Learning about different cultures is a key component of the curriculum at our centers to foster a more loving and caring world for future generations.

In addition to learning about the geography and key landmarks of each country, the children participated in a fashion show. They learned special dances, tried different foods such as pabellon from Venezuela which is a rice mixed with pulled beef, fried plantain, black beans and cheese. They also made Venezuelan arepas which are different from the Colombian version. These arepas are made with flour and salt and stuffed with cheese. While futbol is the sport of choice in Colombia, in Venezuela it is baseball!

The kids had so much fun! See for yourself by checking out the videos our staff put together.