February Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

1 John 4:7-8 NIV

When a child becomes part of a development program at one of our centers, right away their dreams for education start being nourished. This is another way to show them love, by encouraging them to find their talents and gifts. It means providing them with healthy food, nourishing their souls with God’s word and feeding their brains with knowledge. And like every academic year, every month, you are part of providing children with hope for an education.

For many, going to school is not a choice. For others, school isn’t even a reality but regardless of which side of the spectrum they are on, we must always empower them to do so. Nurturing the idea of breaking the cycle of educational or intellectual poverty is one of the most important things on the path of finding purpose in life.

When I ask students if they like to learn, ninety percent of the time their answer is “I don’t like school.” 

When I dig deeper into the subject, I realize that it isn’t learning they don’t like, it’s the way the school system is set up where they are forced to learn without a God-given purpose. Of course there’s certain subjects we all need to learn as children that we may not find fun but imagine if all kids in second and third world countries had the opportunity to go to school and they were encouraged and supported to explore and discover their God given talents and apply themselves in school to reach their potential! That’s our vision. We are here to give them that hope and a best friend in Jesus who will be there the whole way.

As I once read, ‘The two greatest days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.’ 

Purpose in life is far more important than material possessions. Having more to live with is not a substitute for having more to live for. 

We started off 2022 providing help to more than 430 children across all of our centers in Colombia and Rwanda. More than 230 are waiting to be sponsored and hundreds are waiting to get into the program. The best part of this whole thing is that every one of these children are getting to know Jesus, be in a relationship with people who care for them, and have hope to find their mission in life. 

Local Families Take Step to Love ONE:

Messages of love from local families are on their way to more children at our centers! Read more about our first Love ONE sponsorship campaign with our partner, ONE Church!

Local Students to Help with New Initiative at Center in Colombia:

We’re kicking off the second semester of our Service Learning Pilot at Concord Christian Academy! Hear how it is going so far, along with an exciting update. 

Children Receive New Motivation for School in Genova:

After just one year being opened, our child center in Genova, Colombia is already having a tremendous impact on the community. Read more about how they’re kicking off 2022!

Giving Tuesday Facebook Match Update:

We received some great news from Facebook regarding its Giving Tuesday match for Mission Life!

2021 Change One Annual Report:

Have you checked out our first annual, Change One Report yet? It is an accountability of everything you helped us to accomplish this year. Check it out! 

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