Getting Creative with Food to Offset Inflation in Colombia


With food prices on the rise as a result of inflation, our child centers are getting creative in the kitchen and crafty in the markets to stretch funding and resources. According to an article in Colombia, some of the most expensive foods to buy right now are potatoes, onions and plantains, which are the staple items of most Colombian meals. The price of potatoes has risen 25 percent while onions and plantains now cost 15 percent more than in December of 2021. Fresh fruit and vegetables, along with eggs and milk are also more expensive. 

Lucy Lancheros who is the Director of Fundacion Formavida, our child center in Bogota, Colombia is not a stranger to stretching resources on a fixed budget. 

“I’ll take the time to go to different markets to find the cheapest prices. When it comes to fruits and vegetables I buy what is in season and I’ll find the fruit that is the most ripe because it is cheaper,” Lancheros says.

She also knows alot about cooking. She will change up recipes and come up with meals based on what she is able to buy at the market while also making it nutritious and enjoyable for the kids.

Along with any nonprofit organization, Lucy reviews the budget to see if there are areas where she can make some adjustments and she is not afraid to knock on doors in the community to find additional donations.

We’re grateful for our sponsor families! Sponsoring a child at one of our centers helps to provide daily meals for all of the children as well as other resources. There are many children attending our centers who are still waiting to be sponsored. Connect with a child today.