September Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” - Matthew 5:42

That photo was taken in Kigali, Rwanda during a mission trip in 2018. We were visiting the community of Kimisagara, in the outskirts of the city. When we got out of the vans, we noticed a group of children standing outside the church and as soon as we got out, they flocked to us in such a welcoming way it was overwhelming. As the team and I were about to go inside the tent this community used as a church, the kids surrounding us stopped and stayed back. 

I asked why they didn’t go inside with us to which they said it was an adult meeting only, and one of the interpreters (Brenda) asked them why they weren’t in school during this late morning on a Friday. Their response had a lasting impact in my life as they told her it was because their families didn’t have the resources to send them to school. I felt it in my heart. God was giving me the reason why we were there. Mission Life needed to partner with Africa Hope Initiatives to start a child center and find people who care about these children, to help them with resources.  

Today, thanks to the grace of God and the generosity of many of you, we have two Child Hope Centers that are helping 150 kids find hope in Jesus. Now this month, we are gearing up to launch the third child center in Rwanda. This time, it will be in a rural village called Batima. The center will start with 20 children, who will be available for sponsorship, so we can bring hope to these families through our program.   

I have witnessed something over and over again during my travels but it still surprises me. Even though they encounter many challenges, the children in the communities we are sent to serve are always so happy. Their smiles and attitudes reflect such joy that it is hard to believe they sometimes don’t even get to have a plate of hot food every day. Why do you think that is?

Making An Impact: The Challenges of Pioneering New Technology

Mission Life is revolutionizing child sponsorship by connecting families and children through video messages. You would think it is easy to do but it comes with challenges because we are the first non-profit organization using this technology! Read more on how we’re managing for now but we need innovation to have a greater impact.

Getting Creative with Food to Stretch Resources

When inflation hits poverty stricken neighborhoods in Colombia and Rwanda, families rely on our child centers even more. Learn how our partners in Colombia are handling higher food prices to make sure the children get a daily hot meal.

Great Weather, a Cafecito Experience and Fun Challenges at our Second Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Mission Life held its Second Annual Golf Tournament this past Monday. Read more about the day’s winners as well as some new experiences for the golfers this year!