March Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12-13‬ ‭NIV

Can you believe it has been two years since the world shut down? How was it for you during this time of waiting, this period of uncertainty?

There’s a beautiful story in the Bible of a young shepherd who was promised a kingdom, but then he was sent back to care for his father’s flock while he waited for his time to come. 

This shepherd was very diligent during his waiting time, becoming closer to God and preparing to face the gigantic challenges of his calling. 

That’s what it felt like for us at Mission Life. 

During the past two years we have been preparing for the gigantic work we have ahead, to help children meet Jesus and change the world.

While the world shut down, we continued developing relationships and programs to provide our children with tools to discover their talents and get prepared to face these giants in life.

One of those programs in development is Soccer Life, a soccer school for our child centers. 

We know what they do during their growing years will set them up and help them find their way to realize their mission in life. 


Becoming a soccer player is a dream for many children around the world. 

Together with the students at Concord Christian Academy who are helping to raise funds through the Service Learning project and our partners at Formavida in Bogota, the first Soccer Life school will begin operating very soon! It will be part of the after school program.

This is both a dream for me personally and for Mission Life’s vision. I invite you to join me on my birthday this year to give these children the gift of soccer! Please join me in donating to my Facebook Birthday Fundraiser this month by clicking on the box below which will take you to my post.


Dreams of Playing Futbol Become a Reality!

God confirmed that the time is right for a soccer school at our center in Bogota, Colombia! Read more about a special meeting this month during a Mission Life team trip at our center.

A Mission Life Sponsor includes a stop in Bogota to meet his Sponsor Child!

Read more about Jason Snook’s journey to meet Sophia.

Local Students Connect with Children in Colombia over Zoom!

Students at Concord Christian Academy met some of our children in colombia recently! Listen in as Lily says hello to Danna. the New Hampshire school is participating in our Service Learning Project Pilot this year.

Everything in God’s timing.

Find out how God blessed us this month with more resources to strengthen daily operations!

And it is official! We are planning our 2nd Annual Mission Life Charity Golf Tournament this September!

We’ll have more details on a venue and date coming soon! In the meantime, see more from our first Mission Life Charity Golf Tournament last year.

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