May Newsletter

Message from Angel Galvis, Mission Life Founder and CEO

“Blessed is the one who preserves under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” -James 1:12

In 2019, a beautiful partnership with Africa Hope Initiatives ignited a new story of hope for a couple of communities in Kigali, Rwanda. During a mission trip to this beautiful country the year prior, God answered prayers confirming that Mission Life should get involved in light of a call he made to one of our volunteers to help the children of Rwanda. 

Together, our teams at Africa Hope Initiatives and Mission Life enjoy serving more than 150 children every day. They have the opportunity to hope for a better future, receive an education, a hot meal, and a relationship with Jesus Christ.

The tent church in 2018.

But of course it didn’t come without some struggles. For many years, this community did church under a circus tent but the government’s building requirements were not met by this location. The church was shut down and for three years, they did not have a home.

Without a place to attend church, we rented a small house in the neighborhood where we were able to feed, teach, and love our kids. For two years we managed to operate out of this home, patiently waiting for God’s provision and diligently seeking a solution.  

Then, thanks to the efforts of a nonprofit organization in Texas who has partnered with AHI doing micro loans for the women of this community,, we raised the funds to build a church to replace the circus tent.  

This past weekend, we all celebrated the launching of the new church building, community center and the new home for one of our child hope centers in Kigali. We were so humbled to be able to play a small part in making this happen, and now our children have a place with classrooms, space for games and activities, and the Kimisagara community has a place to worship Jesus together. 

With the children at the new Hermond Church and Child Hope Center in Kigali.

I am sitting in quarantine as I write these words due to a positive covid test result. And as I reflect on all the difficult people and situations one may have to endure, I wouldn’t want it to be any other way.   

Believe that when you are being used by God to have a positive impact for the kingdom of God, a big target is put on your back by the enemy. But as James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

Go and be a blessing to others, 


A Celebration of Firsts at Hermond Church!

Our Child Hope Center children experience a fun day of games, music, food and prizes for the first time in their lives! Read more about the opening of the church and witness the pure joy filling the room!

A Beacon of God’s Light and Hope in Kimironko

Read along as our mission trip team visits the Child Hope Center in Kimironko for the first time and hear more about the vision for the next phase.

Unconditional Love in Rwanda - Kayla’s Reflection

What some may see as a challenge, Kayla saw as the love of Rwanda wrapping around her. Read Kayla’s incredible reflection during her extended stay in this beautiful country.

Empowering Children to Lead in Villavicencio

Children at our child center in Villavicencio put on an event that spills out into the neighborhood! Read more about the Child’s Day activity here.

Feel the Excitement from our Center in Bogota!

Come check out what our children in Bogota, Colombia have been up to! A warning: You might be tempted to join in on the dancing! 

A New Spot for Community is Brewing at One Church

The vision of the Mission Life Cafecito Cafe is coming to life! Read more about the cafe’s first month of operation and how it is bringing the community together.