A Beacon of God’s Light and Hope in Kimironko

Written by: Jenn O’Neill

Mission Life’s Child Hope Centers have become a beacon of God’s light and hope. During our recent mission trip with our partner, One Church, the team visited the center in Kimironko for the first time! We learned that parents frequently stop by to ask if their child can participate because they see value in the program. It is hard for the staff to say no. At the same time, resources are limited. Visiting here, you can feel the amount of potential this center has to help families in the neighborhood.

One hundred and twenty children, between the ages of 3 and 7 come here during the week. Right now, 75 children are part of the Mission Life child sponsorship program but only about a third of them are sponsored so far. The children learn here until they are ready to go to primary school. In addition to learning, they receive snacks and a daily hot meal. They have enrichment activities and they also learn about God. These are all things parents would otherwise not be able to provide financially. Child sponsorships make it possible and we need more help.

Our team puts on a puppet show for the children.

As you walk through the school’s outdoor hallway, there are brightly painted learning tools- numbers, letters and pictures to go with the alphabet on the walls. The school has 3 classrooms, 4 teachers and one head master. Church space (Harvest Christian Church is next door) is also available as needed.

Bishop Theo Rugubira, who Mission Life works hand in hand with, is already thinking about the next step. 

“Our first group of older children are nearing the end of the program here and seeing how well they are doing, we would like to be able to expand and offer a primary school so they can continue their education here. The parents want to keep them here,” Rugubira says.

The property below the Child Hope Center where Bishop Rugubira hopes to build a future primary school.

Rugubira has taken out a partial bank loan as a deposit on a piece of land below the Child Hope Center that he hopes one day can become the home of the primary school. A different school used to operate here. Another $18,000 (U.S.) is needed before that dream will be possible but Rugubira has a long history of witnessing God’s miracles. Fifteen years ago, he asked for God’s provision to build Hermond Church, the site of our other Child Hope Center located in Kimisagara. Today, thanks to a partnership between Africa Hope Initiatives,  non-profit organization, Microseeds.org and Mission Life, it is a reality! 

For now, the main priorities at Kimironko are to build a small retaining wall for the school and for more children to have sponsors.

Our team with some of the parents at the Child Hope Center in Kimironko.

Rugubira says, “We don’t want to turn away anyone. Parents tell me they are grateful for the education and meals their children are receiving. They say it is food they would never be able to afford at home.”

Would you like to help us reach more children? Learn more about our centers and meet the children of Mission Life. 
