Mission Life's Partner Helps With Volcano Emergency Aid Efforts

Mission Life’s partner in Rwanda, Africa Hope Initiatives is helping with emergency relief efforts after a volcano eruption on the border of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo last month.

On May 22nd, dozens of people were killed and 5,000 homes were destroyed in Goma (in the Democratic Republic of Congo) when Mt. Nyiragongo sent molten lava into villages and nearby towns. It also caused tremors and aftershocks that collapsed homes and cracked foundations and roads extending into Rwanda. 

Africa Hope Initiatives traveled to the western province, Gisenyi village to hand out emergency food supplies. It is about three hours from the capital of Kigali. Bishop Theo Rugumire says the efforts are just a “drop in the ocean and they are in desperate need of more food.” There is also a water shortage after the lava spilled into the region’s reservoir.

You can help Africa Hope Initiatives by donating to the Mission Life General Fund and designating it for “Volcano Relief Efforts.”