Some Bumps in the Road at Logan Airport But God Shows Our Team Right Away He's Got This

Day 1: The Journey to Rwanda

Written by: Sue Kelso

Like all good stories, all good trips have enough drama to excite you but not so much as to truly scare you. Our trip from Manchester to Boston on a late Friday afternoon was what they would call amazingly smooth sailing. From our teams arriving at ONE Church to our time of prayer with ONE Church & Mission Life Leaders, we felt confident as we set out on what would be 24 hours of airports and planes. With confidence in us, sadness did have pieces of our hearts as two of our teammates were not able to make the trip. Nicole & Sally, you are greatly missed. 

With our trusty shuttle driver, thank you, Eric Carlson and our suitcase jenga master, thank you, Colin Locker, we set sail on smooth highways. 

One hour seven minutes later we arrived - 7 travelers, 2 trusted volunteers, 21 suitcases and one wheelchair. The international terminal at Boston Logan didn’t know what hit it. While Moses gave thanks for mana, we gave thanks for luggage carts.

While I am a college graduate, the self-check in at the airport can cause in me the same fear as dividing fractions. I know how, I just can never remember how when I am faced with doing it. Slide this here, push that there, read the description of things I don’t even have in my garage never mind on my person. At last success, your name appears, yes that’s me. It’s my “in trouble” name, but it is me, date of birth - correct, check, long list of crazy items that belong on no one ever - check. Breathe out. 

Team members 1 through 5 checked in, check, check, check. Team members 6 & 7, well their self-check in went full on trigonometry test - message read - unable to locate. No worries we have time. We will just go to the counter, in the international terminal at Boston Logan. First ticket agent, “Ummm we see your reservation, but no ticket has been issued for these two. Please see the next ticket agent.” Our heroic trip leader Meg was on her cell phone with the travel agent. The large clock in the middle of the terminal is now telling us it is 6:09pm. We board at 7:25pm and we have yet to go through TSA security at Boston Logan.  Prayer: Jesus hear our prayers, clear our minds and calm our hearts. 

Just when we thought the greatest nemesis at the airport was self-check, here comes no longer being able to purchase tickets at the airport, taking a flying leap to the front of the line. Forget mana and luggage carts, our praises are now lifted higher for CELL PHONES. Yes, we purchased two one way tickets using cell phones. Yes, our travel agency is covering this expense. Yes, we stood in a long line for TSA security. Yes, we were not leaving without our teammates. Yes, we serve a big God who already knew there would be seats available on our connecting flights that were side by side, because friends, God wrote this story before we lived it. He knows and He shows Himself to us. Jesus will always meet us in our story because His is the greatest story full of drama and love. He loves us more than the east is from the west or in this story Boston, USA to Kigali, Africa.