Tucked Away - Devotional


God’s so close that He covers us with His hand, putting us where he wants us to be. “In the cleft of the rock” -- a safe spot. His eye watching over us. His hand of protection and provision upon us.

“When my glory passes by, I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with my hands until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen” -Exodus 33:22-23

Do you ever wonder, why do I feel distant? Why do I feel alone? Surrounded by people perhaps, yet you feel alone. Like Moses, it’s the same for us. It’s our place of clear instruction. A time of getting alone with our God. Of turning off all the noise of the world and tuning into the creator of that very world.

Will you abide in the cleft of the rock? His hand will place you there, but He will not hold you there. The choice is always for the child of God to make. Will we trust when we feel alone? Will we stay where we are put until His clear instruction comes? Will we simply stay tucked in?

God always has a bigger plan. A better plan. A perfect plan. And we cannot know it on our own. It requires a tucking away. Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

Moses spent 40 days and nights on that mountain with God. He had no idea when the tucking began how big and beautiful God’s plan was. How, by simply trusting and staying tucked in, God would use him. Moses didn’t move until it was time. When Moses came back down from that sacred place, he held in his hands the words of a new covenant God had made with Israel. And as Moses came he had no idea “his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord” (Exodus 34:29). 

Time spent tucked in with the Lord will change you -- it will change the world around you. God will use you to expand His kingdom as you trust Him and let Him “tuck you in the cleft of the rock.” 

No safer place to be; no greater joy to be found; no sweeter peace to possess than time tucked away with the Lord your God.

~ Krista Collins

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