Posts in Mission Trips
Impactful Trip to Rwanda Changes Team’s Worldview and Provides Hope For Two Villages

The experience of going on this mission trip has shifted my worldview. It allowed me to begin to understand how vast and diverse the world is. We gain so much knowledge about the impact and influence we can have, for good or bad. And hopefully, we choose to live into the good, showing God’s love to others in big, bold, world-changing ways.

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The Rwanda Team Shares a Lesson About Serving in Kimisagara

Today we were able to revisit the Kimisagara Child Hope Center where we attended church on our first full day in Kigali. After driving up the VERY steep hill and crossing the very questionable wooden "bridge", we arrived at our destination. This beautiful center overlooks the city and we were greeted by the gorgeous sound of the children singing.

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A Day of Highs and Lows - Our Team Visits The Child Hope Center and the Genocide Museum

Today was one of the most challenging days I won’t soon forget. It started out like any other day, breakfast with the team and chatter about the possibilities the day will bring. Little did I know that it would be a day of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

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God’s Love Doesn’t Need to be Spoken in Order to be Felt - Our Team’s First Day in Kigali

It doesn’t matter who has what or how much. Without the love of Christ to share with others, we are all in poverty. There is a gift that has been given to us today that costs nothing. I’m excited to keep learning how to be a better servant this week from our new friends. It’s really as simple as that.

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