July Newsletter

I recently attended a ribbon cutting for the expansion of a local business. One of the owners, the husband who is an immigrant from Colombia, shared some words of gratitude to those who attended the event. But for me, there was one moment in particular that really stood out. He expressed how grateful he was for this country.

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Identity Buster - Devotional

From the time of Abraham, about 2000 years earlier, the Jewish people enjoyed the title of being God's chosen people. Those blessings came with responsibilities and laws to atone for their sins and keep their hearts directed to their Lord. These 613 commandments became the center of their physical, spiritual and social lives.

For one Jewish sect, the Pharisees, this “chosen” title and their zealous adherence to the laws evolved into considerable political and social power. They wore clothing people would recognize right away, clung to their own sect, and judged everyone else for not being as godly. Their laws and identity became an idol.

Then Jesus showed up.

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