Seeing God’s Grace by Serving at the Local Dump

Day 6

Written by: Felipe Duque

I started my day praying and meditating at 5:00 am and I shared some time alone with God. Right after we had breakfast, we got ready to go to the municipal dump. 

At first I wondered how we were going to manage to serve food to people there with all of the garbage around.

Once we arrived, everything changed. We had a small service. We set up a table and next thing I knew, there were over 80 people! They came out of nowhere. Quickly, the women and kids formed a line, and on the other side, men were waiting patiently.

Everyone got to eat. The first round was ok I guess, but then people lined up for a second plate. That was crazy! It broke my heart to know and see first hand that these people only get this meal twice a week. That was probably the only two times during the week they had a decent meal.

Just seeing the joy on the young kids' faces as they waited in line for their meals had me re-evaluating many things in my life.

After that experience, I just have to say that we are very lucky. Every day we are blessed.

I pray for these people, for the hands of the cooks and volunteers at REAP that do this every week religiously. They are true survivors that have to struggle every day just to make it.

This was definitely a worthy experience that I would love to do again.