What Is Your Mission In Life?

A new year brings with it new questions: What am I going to accomplish? What am I going to do differently? What am I going to stop doing? Sometimes these questions, and the answers that accompany them, are helpful and useful—and sometimes they are not.

But one of the best questions we can ask ourselves on occasion is, What is my mission in life? Not surprisingly, for those of us at Mission Life, this is one of our favorite questions.

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Moments - Devotional

Even into the difficult moments of life, we must be willing to enter. We must be strong and confident, and enter the hard moments with Jesus. Don’t walk alone -- bring Jesus into all the moments of life. He is Emmanuel, He is “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). His promise is that He is with us. But are we with Him?

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Sacrifice to Serve God in Batima

Before it was time to leave, she asked if we could pray for her and her family and bless her home. A couple of our leaders followed her behind the curtain into her bedroom, where the family all slept on a mattress, to pray. She handed them a letter that she had written and translated into English to read to the group. In her letter, she asked God to please watch over her family and help her and her husband find a way to continue to provide. At that moment, the details of their sacrifice came to light.

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Look Up - Devotional

We will face our own “Red Sea” moments. We, too, will be brought to the water’s edge and see no way out. We will face an ocean of fear or trouble and think we are going to drown. The question remains, what will you see? What will you look to?

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Sitting at the Table - Devotional

This place of pouring out pain and being deep-down honest with God is the beautiful place of growth. As I spoke to God, He spoke right back. When I spoke of the bone-crushing struggle, I heard Him gently speak to my heart: You are held. You are “persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:9). What a beautiful grace and truth I found.

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