Faith Focused - Devotional

As He made his journey, Jesus who is tender and caring realized more healing was needed. He said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone from me.” (Luke 8:46) The woman fell at his feet trembling and acknowledged it was she who touched him. She said doctors haven’t been able to heal her but she knew He could. What must she have felt when she realized she was healed?

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Do Not Worry - Devotional

A disciple is a personal follower of Jesus. It is as simple as that. Jesus never made things complicated. There aren’t any educational requirements or a 10 step program. You just need to trust in who Jesus is as the son of God, born from a virgin, who lived as a man, died on a cross and rose again three days later for the salvation of all the world.

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Fix Your Eyes - Devotional

Our focus matters. What are we looking at? What do we see? What we can see with our natural eye can seem real, big and often scary. Put on your eyes of faith to see beyond what the natural eye sees. Look beyond what is seen to see what is true.

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Trusting What You Don’t Understand -Devotional

What will you do when you hear the voice of your creator calling out to you? The pastor in my church always says, “No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what’s been done to you, you are welcome at the Lord’s table.” I love this invaluable truth. We are all God’s children because He made us all.

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Perfect Love - Devotional

One definition of fear is “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, and likely to cause pain, or a threat.” The key word here is “belief.” In order to believe something, one must accept that it is true. Where you put your belief has everything to do with how you will handle fear when and if it finds its way to you.

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