All Aboard! - Devotional

Touching the life of a child is a beautiful place to begin such a journey. It can be a child in your family, neighborhood or even another country. Every life matters. Every heart needs encouragement. Perhaps, we are written into the life of another to give and receive a greater blessing.

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Gather the Plunder - Devotional

Exodus literally means “the road out.” There were some things I wanted out of my life. Some things were not bad but they did not draw me closer in my walk with God so I set out on a forty day fast to meet with Jesus and seek His guidance.

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Devotional Guest User
Red Sea Moments - Devotional

The running and the weary can cause the eye of faith to fade and weaken. The waiting is hard. We want our answers now, our deliverance now, our miracle now. We can struggle to understand why God would bring us to this Red Sea; our toes dipping in the water of impossible. How we stand on the shore matters. We need to stand firm, stand still, stand knowing and stand in faith believing that this moment is seen by God.

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