Ministering to our Children in Colombia, Ricardo Rodriguez is a Father Figure to Many

As a member of Mission Life’s core team, I had heard so many stories about Lucy and Ricardo Lancheros, the power couple behind our center, Fundacion Formavida in Bogota, Colombia. What I didn’t know until I traveled there in February was the impact Ricardo has on this special place and the important role he plays in its daily operations.

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The Mission Life Experience: A Sponsor’s Perspective

Baileigh Collins is one of Mission Life’s newest sponsors. Back in May, Collins decided to sponsor Nicol, a child at one of our new centers in Colombia. In a very short time, they developed an incredible connection. While Baileigh is new to our Mission Life family, she is not new to child sponsorship. In her story below, Baileigh gives her perspective on her Mission Life experience and how it was different from the start.

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