A Beacon of God’s Light and Hope in Kimironko

Mission Life’s Child Hope Centers have become a beacon of God’s light and hope. During our recent mission trip with our partner, One Church, the team visited the center in Kimironko for the first time! We learned that parents frequently stop by to ask if their child can participate because they see value in the program. It is hard for the staff to say no. At the same time, resources are limited. Visiting here, you can feel the amount of potential this center has to help families in the neighborhood.

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Seeds From a Plastic Tree

Last September, my mom moved two and a half hours north from a big house in a big town to a tiny house in a tiny town. She has “that house” in town. You know, the one on the main road with the, ahem, overenthusiastic seasonal decorations... I am sure her house is already a landmark people use to give directions in Richmond, Maine.

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