Your Heart and Your Eyes

“My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.” - Proverbs 23:26

There is a connection to capture here: Your heart and your eyes. When we give the Lord our heart, our eyes will follow. The things of this world will lose their desire. The more we surrender our heart, the more we can be transformed into His image.

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Counterfeit Thoughts - Devotional

From the beginning of humanity, the enemy has been trying to pull us away from the will of God by deceiving us. When he spoke to Eve in the Garden, he didn't flat out say, “Hey, you shouldn't trust God”. That would be like using a wooden nickel. Instead, the serpent deviously said, “Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?”

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Confess and Believe - Devotional

It is His strength we need to believe beyond our understanding. It is the very reason we only need “faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains.” -Matthew 17:20

So, no matter what you may be facing today; no matter the size of your pain, problem, or panic; no matter the discouragement or doubt that wants to defeat you, your help is only a whisper away.

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God Knows Better - Devotional

“Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” -Proverbs 19:21

My friend Heather just lost her husband Ray after a three-year battle with brain cancer. Knowing she was a “cave dweller”- one who would rather lick wounds privately, I wanted her and the kids to be able to avoid the crowds. I wanted to protect them from the hard emotions they would come across throughout the services.

With the complications of Covid, Heather had a little more leeway about planning the burial.

I happened to be with her when she was making the decision about when to have the wake and burial. My vote was from 11am to 1pm. My reasoning? It was too late in the morning for people to go to work late and too early in the afternoon for people to leave work early. Genius. People won't be able to make it to the visiting hours. It will be quiet and the suffering will be minimal.

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May Newsletter

In 2019, a beautiful partnership with Africa Hope Initiatives ignited a new story of hope for a couple of communities in Kigali, Rwanda. During a mission trip to this beautiful country the year prior, God answered prayers confirming that Mission Life should get involved in light of a call he made to one of our volunteers to help the children of Rwanda.

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