Don't Worry - Devotional

A disciple is a personal follower of Jesus. It is as simple as that. Jesus never made things complicated. There aren’t any educational requirements or a 10 step program. You just need to trust in who Jesus is as the son of God, born from a virgin, who lived as a man, died on a cross and rose again three days later for the salvation of all the world.

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The Aaronic Blessing - Devotional

Numbers, the fourth book in the Old Testament is.. well...not quite as exciting as Daniel's sleepover with lions or Jonah spending some time with a big fish. There's a reason it's called “Numbers.” There's a lot of counting. Counting people sounds boring until you realize that means every person counts to God.

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March Newsletter

Can you believe it has been two years since the world shut down? How was it for you during this time of waiting, this period of uncertainty?

There’s a beautiful story in the Bible of a young shepherd who was promised a kingdom, but then he was sent back to care for his father’s flock while he waited for his time to come.

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